What is IFS Therapy?

Internal Family System (IFS) Therapy offers an innovative and compassionate approach that helps to interact with internal emotions and conflicts, referred to as "parts" within IFS. Developed by psychologist and professor Dr. Richard C. Schwartz in the 1980s, the same year I was born. Today, IFS has gained recognition for its effectiveness in treating anxiety, depression, trauma, toxic relationships and addictions on an international scale.

This therapy is based on the idea that the mind is composed of multiple "parts" or emotions, which are activated in certain situations. Each part has its own feelings, thoughts and roles. These parts interact with each other in complex ways, leading to internal conflicts when certain parts adopt extreme roles to protect themselves from past emotional wounds.

What are the benefits of IFS Therapy?

  • Facilitates healing of traumas and emotional wounds
  • Improves self-compassion and self-understanding
  • Reduces inner conflicts and fosters peace of mind
  • Strengthens inner leadership for a more balanced life

How does IFS Therapy work?

Let me give you an example: Imagine someone facing an internal conflict between an extremely demanding and perfectionist part of themselves, and another part that tends to postpone important tasks. The critical part constantly tells itself: "You must do it perfectly, analyzing every detail," aiming to protect internal parts that fear failure.

On the other hand, the procrastinating part prefers to avoid commitments, often justifying this behavior as a way to avoid criticism or possible errors.

Both parts, while operating to protect vulnerable aspects of the person, are in conflict and do not recognize each other as allies. As an IFS therapist, my approach is to help my clients better understand these internal parts.

During sessions, I guide my clients to connect calmly with their inner wisdom, allowing them to understand the fears and motivations behind these parts. This process helps reduce the intensity of extreme behaviors and promotes greater self-compassion.

As we progress, internal polarization decreases, resulting in a more authentic change aligned with the client's true desires.

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