What is NLP Coaching?
I comine the coaching sessions with NLP techniques and that makes them more effective. Through coaching the client is focusing on what it is they really want. The Coach helps to reflect by asking powerful questions and accompanying the client to create an action plan. In our journey to achieve our goal, we may find ourselves confronted with emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, low self-esteem, bad habits, fears... to name just a few. And that's where NLP techniques come into play which unlock mental processes that keep us from reaching our goals.
What is the methodology?
It is a method which consists of accompanying or guiding a person or a group to reach an objective, to achieve goals or to develop new skills. It promotes positive change that is in line with their core values and it only works if the person is committed to reach the goal.
The keys to coaching are:
- Consciousness (I want)
- Self-belief (I can)
- Responsibility (I do)
What are the sessions like?
During the Coaching session, the client focuses on the objective, by becoming aware of the current situation and starts to design an action plan that leads to the goal. Depending on the objective, after the first session, I will be able to provide an estimate regarding the number of sessions and their frequency.
NLP coaching sessions:
- last between 60 and 120 minutes
- are weekly or on a biweekly basis
- have a duration of 4 to 7 sessions
What are NLP techniques for?
During the coaching process, the client detects both skills and abilities as well as the limitations and difficulties. Once identified, NLP comes into play. NLP techniques help get rid of fears, limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, the aftermath of a previous experience, unhealthy habits, unhelpful behaviors, and emotional blockages. We all have unconscious automatisms that don't help us reach our goals. NLP techniques allows for lasting and deep changes because the client learns to use new strategies and behavior patterns to overcome fears, change habits, improve relationships and resolve conflicts.
These techniques are used to:
- manage moments of crisis (divorce, dismissal, exams, presentations)
- treat unhealthy habits (smoking, biting ones nails, eating sweets excessively, ...)
- overcome traumas and cure phobias (fear of visiting the dentist, needles, animals, flying, fear of heights, ...)
- increase security and self-confidence
- increase concentration at work or school
- develop social skills
- increase self-esteem
- reduce stress
- improve relationships
- communicate effectively
- improve time management
- eating healthy…
If you are looking for results and believe now is the time, contact me for a first appointment absolutely free.
Contact me