
Hello, I'm Sabrina Kraus, and I'm excited to share with you the transformative tools that have shaped my life and the lives of many people who have embarked on their journey of personal growth. I am a certified coach, an NLP expert, and an IFS therapist. With my suitcase filled with experience and effective tools, I help my clients build a fulfilled life.

If you're feeling stuck, lacking motivation, or need a push to get started, you have come to the right place.

I guide you to achieve what you have always wanted by employing powerful techniques such as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), IFS Therapy (Internal Family Systems), Ericksonian Hypnosis, and the Lego® Serious Play® methodology.

I offer individual and group sessions, both in-person and online, to support you in achieving your personal and professional aspirations and goals.


Being in a relationship with a narcissist was exhausting and draining. As much as I wanted to get out of this toxic relationship I realized I couldn’t do it on my own. The trauma bond was too strong. Sabrina was committed and aspiring to help me out of this stagnation. Her methods reminded me of my worth and she helped me to use them whenever I felt ‘weak’. I’m so grateful to have had her as my coach. Finally I could leave him without feeling guilty.

I would get back to her anytime I felt I needed emotional and motivational support - Marta

My experience with Sabrina has been very positive. The techniques helped me to maintain the necessary motivation to continue with my career, introducing small tasks that helped me not to lose sight of my goals and with her support I stayed focused on what I want.

Thank you for your support - Andrés

Overcoming my fears has been the key to finding a new job when everyone told me to stay where I was. She trusted in me and gave me enough strength to believe in myself.

Now I know that it is possible - Carme